Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fight the Fat(Cause and Effect Essay)

ESL 101
Cause and Effect Essay
Joanna Pak
4 May 2015
Prof. Tami Barker
Fight the Fat
             Today, the weight-loss industry is expanding rapidly and enormously.  For example, diet pills, weight-loss programs, and low-calorie foods are various ways to lose weight.  Despite having all these things, obesity is increasing.  According to an article in The New York Times (, 95% of people who have lost weight regain it and sometimes even more within a few months or years.  In other words, losing weight is very difficult.  Then why do obese people try so hard to lose weight?  Many people think that they are just trying to have nice-looking bodies.  In fact, obesity causes many negative effects such as health problems, low self-confidence, and money loss. 
             One of the important reasons obese people want to lose weight is that obesity causes many health problems.  Many obese people have high blood sugar, and high blood sugar levels damage organs and vessels.  When the pancreas is damaged, it does not produce enough insulin.  As a result, obese people get diabetes easily.  Besides, when too much nutritional fat (e.g., cholesterols and triglycerides) enters the body, fat molecules in the blood are accumulated, making blood vessels narrower and sometimes blocking them completely.  This can cause blood supply to the heart to be insufficient, leading to heart pain or a heart attack.
             Also, obesity lowers self-confidence.  For example, when obese people walk in a public area, they become self-conscious about their looks.  To tell the truth, obese people attract people’s attention.  Even when nobody is watching them, obese people think that everyone is watching them.  Moreover, when obese people go to narrow places, like a subway, a plane seat, or an elevator, they may feel guilty for taking up extra space.  The second example is when they buy their clothes.  When they go shopping for their clothes, they hardly find their size or obese people look ugly.  Usually, many clothing stores only sell up to two extra large sizes, so many obese people do not want to go shopping because they need a bigger size than what they clothing stores sell.
             Lastly, obese people spend a lot of money.  First, most obese people enjoy eating out instead of cooking at home, but restaurant food usually has high calories and is expensive.  For example, if somebody makes a steak, when they prepare it at home, it costs around $10-20, but when they eat out at a restaurant, they have to pay over $15-200.  Secondly, obese people spend a lot of money to eat, because obese people eat a large amount of food.  Also, they prefer meat or greasy food over other foods.  That kind of food is much more expansive than others. Besides, they need extra medicine costs, special-clothes costs, and special-car costs.

             On top of reasons like health problems, low self-confidence, and the costs of being obese mentioned above, various reports are saying how important it is to lose weight.  Many obese people say that losing weight is like a war.  Experts recommend that obese people exercise and eat smaller portions.  Additionally, getting a gym membership and getting training from a trainer, attending loss weight management programs, or watching weight loss programs like Boot Camp and Extreme Weight Loss will help them.  However, losing weight requires constant effort.  Even though losing weight is hard, if obese people take small steps, they will live healthier lives.

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