Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The World of Hallucination(Persuasive essay)

<Persuasive Essay>
Joanna Pak (ESL 101)
6 May 2015
Prof. Tami Barker

The World of Hallucination
Even though nine out of ten aspects of something are good, one can have a problem.  If this happens, it is not beneficial.  Numerous data and study researches are showing how beneficial marijuana is so far.  Nevertheless, many people still disagree about marijuana’s legalization. In the U.S.A., still only two states, which are Washington and Colorado, have legalized marijuana for recreational use, and twenty states have legalized it for medical use.  After marijuana was legalized in Colorado, 120,000 people have become approved medical users. ( It is not only Colorado, but in the world, the countries which have legalized marijuana have many problems too, especially with teenagers and children.  Since marijuana causes several problems, government should stop its availability.  Marijuana should not be legalized because it could cause health problems, illogical thinking, and expensive cost problems.
First of all, marijuana should not be legalized because of the health problems it causes.  If marijuana becomes legal, everybody will be able to use it, especially young people, including teenagers.  If people smoke marijuana from when they are teenagers or younger, it will take a heavy toll on their brains.  Smoking marijuana damages the brain and causes memory loss, low impulse control and learning problems.  At first, the symptoms do not appear all at once, but they gradually start to appear over time.  As a result, many people who smoked marijuana cannot concentrate on studying, work, or anything.  Besides, marijuana contains 50-70% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke. ( Marijuana not only causes lung cancer, but other kinds of cancer too.  Some people insist that marijuana helps people to relieve many illness symptoms, but there is no hard evidence of that yet. 
Another one of the reasons that marijuana should not be legalized is marijuana makes people think illogically.  Marijuana causes hallucinations.  Of course, alcohol causes hallucinations too, but marijuana is carried or hidden easier than alcohol.  Even if the government restrains marijuana smokers to not carry marijuana to some places, it would be hard to control them.  If marijuana smokers smoke everywhere and anytime, it could cause a car accident, disturb study or work, or ruin relationships.  Also memory damage affects logical thinking too.  When THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is one of the ingredients of marijuana, enters the body, it targets the memory part of the brain. ( Because of this, marijuana smokers start losing their memories gradually. 
The last reason is marijuana smokers have to spend a lot of money to buy marijuana and pay their medical costs.  Recently the cost of an eighth of an ounce of marijuana is between $35-$70 after taxes, and the average price is $65.  The average amount of marijuana used is one fourth to one eighth of an ounce a day. ( Therefore, marijuana smokers spend a lot of money to enjoy only that time.  Besides, marijuana smokers have to pay their medical costs because smoking marijuana can cause lung cancer, brain impairments, schizophrenia, and anxiety.  Particularly, if the marijuana smokers have Medicaid, the government has to foot the Medicaid bill.  Of course, they pay tax for the marijuana, but their medical cost is more expensive than the tax which they would pay.
As was stated above, marijuana causes health problems, makes it difficult to think reasonably, and wastes a lot of money.  Many people say that marijuana is not as dangerous as alcohol or cigarettes, but the obvious fact is marijuana has bigger problems.  Everybody has the right to enjoy life, but instead of solving marijuana’s issues regarding its safety and cost problems, the government should not allow use of marijuana.

Fight the Fat(Cause and Effect Essay)

ESL 101
Cause and Effect Essay
Joanna Pak
4 May 2015
Prof. Tami Barker
Fight the Fat
             Today, the weight-loss industry is expanding rapidly and enormously.  For example, diet pills, weight-loss programs, and low-calorie foods are various ways to lose weight.  Despite having all these things, obesity is increasing.  According to an article in The New York Times (, 95% of people who have lost weight regain it and sometimes even more within a few months or years.  In other words, losing weight is very difficult.  Then why do obese people try so hard to lose weight?  Many people think that they are just trying to have nice-looking bodies.  In fact, obesity causes many negative effects such as health problems, low self-confidence, and money loss. 
             One of the important reasons obese people want to lose weight is that obesity causes many health problems.  Many obese people have high blood sugar, and high blood sugar levels damage organs and vessels.  When the pancreas is damaged, it does not produce enough insulin.  As a result, obese people get diabetes easily.  Besides, when too much nutritional fat (e.g., cholesterols and triglycerides) enters the body, fat molecules in the blood are accumulated, making blood vessels narrower and sometimes blocking them completely.  This can cause blood supply to the heart to be insufficient, leading to heart pain or a heart attack.
             Also, obesity lowers self-confidence.  For example, when obese people walk in a public area, they become self-conscious about their looks.  To tell the truth, obese people attract people’s attention.  Even when nobody is watching them, obese people think that everyone is watching them.  Moreover, when obese people go to narrow places, like a subway, a plane seat, or an elevator, they may feel guilty for taking up extra space.  The second example is when they buy their clothes.  When they go shopping for their clothes, they hardly find their size or obese people look ugly.  Usually, many clothing stores only sell up to two extra large sizes, so many obese people do not want to go shopping because they need a bigger size than what they clothing stores sell.
             Lastly, obese people spend a lot of money.  First, most obese people enjoy eating out instead of cooking at home, but restaurant food usually has high calories and is expensive.  For example, if somebody makes a steak, when they prepare it at home, it costs around $10-20, but when they eat out at a restaurant, they have to pay over $15-200.  Secondly, obese people spend a lot of money to eat, because obese people eat a large amount of food.  Also, they prefer meat or greasy food over other foods.  That kind of food is much more expansive than others. Besides, they need extra medicine costs, special-clothes costs, and special-car costs.

             On top of reasons like health problems, low self-confidence, and the costs of being obese mentioned above, various reports are saying how important it is to lose weight.  Many obese people say that losing weight is like a war.  Experts recommend that obese people exercise and eat smaller portions.  Additionally, getting a gym membership and getting training from a trainer, attending loss weight management programs, or watching weight loss programs like Boot Camp and Extreme Weight Loss will help them.  However, losing weight requires constant effort.  Even though losing weight is hard, if obese people take small steps, they will live healthier lives.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Summary about Two Kinds

Joanna Pak 
                                                                                                            ESL 101
                                                                                               20 April 2015
                                                                                                Prof. Tami Barke

Summary about Two Kinds

          This story is about Ni Kan who was born in the U.S.A. and her mother who came from China.  When Ni Kan's mother came to the U.S.A., she believed that in the U.S.A., she could achieve her dream through her daughter, Ni Kan.  At first, Ni Kan's mother wanted her daughter to be a famous child actress, and constantly to find from her daughter, Ni Kan, some special abilities when she searched for stories about remakable children.  Then, she tested Ni Kan whether she could do it or not.  One day, Ni Kan decided that she would not let her mother change herself.  Then Ni Kan showed her mother that she did not have talents about her mother's tests.  After a while, when Ni Kan's mother was watching on TV, she found a Chinese girl who was playing piano.  Afterwards, Ni Kan had to learn playing piano by Mr. Chong who was deaf retired piano teacher.  One day, Ni Kan was on a talent show to play piano forcely.  Ni Kan did not practice playing piano hard.  As a result, she made a lot of mistakes at the talent show.  However, Ni Kan's mother did not angry at her.  Ni Kan had assumed that she would never have to play the piano again.  Even though, two days later, Ni Kan's mother reminded her to go to the piano practice, and they argued about piano lesson for the last time.  At that time, Ni kan's mother forced Ni kan to obey her, but Ni kan told her mother about her mother's most painful story which her dead daughter. After then, Ni Kan naver played again.  When Ni Kan grew up, her mother ask her for taking the piano , but she refused at first time.  After Ni Kan's mother died, she had the piano tuned.  At last, she realized that she had some talent about playing piano. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Revolution of Desserts(Classfication Essay)

                                                                                                                                Joanna Pak
                                                                                                                                ESL 101
                                                                                                                                30 March 2015
                                                                                                                                Prof. Tami Barker

The Revolution of Desserts
             Today, people seek stores that sell various desserts easily.  After a meal, many people want delicious desserts.  Some people buy desserts from grocery stores or dessert shops.  People can eat special desserts when they dine at restaurants.  Desserts were first made using natural ingredients that were locally available.  In ancient civilizations, people enjoyed dried fruits, honeycomb, or nuts.  As time went on, people found new types of desserts; like, candies, ice cream, chocolates.  The first apple pie recipe was printed in 1381.  People go to many dessert shops or restaurants to eat delicious desserts; such as, cakes, ice cream, and pies.
             Cake is one of the most popular desserts.  Some places it can be purchased sells at Costco, Ralphs, and Cheesecake Factory.  For example, Costco has a large-size chocolate cake.  Many people buy big chocolate cakes for their anniversaries or special days because it is cheap and always fresh.  It has a deep chocolate flavor, and it is not too sweet.  The Costco chocolate cake’s size is enough to share with many people on their special days.  Some ice cream stores sell ice cream cakes, but many people still prefer plain cakes that made of soft flour.
             Ice cream is also a favorite dessert.  Example of famous ice cream shops are Cold Stone, Haagen-Dazs, and Baskin-Robbins.  Baskin- Robbins has many franchise stores.  They are not only in the U.S.A. but many countries too.  Especially, they have thirty one flavor ice cream and sometimes the flavors are changed as new flavors.  “Cherries Jubilee” is one of the flavorsIt has real cherries in the soft ice cream,  The sour and sweet cherry flavor makes many people love cherries jubilee for many years.
             Pie is a good desert after having a light meal.  Julian, Marie Callender’s, and Coco’s are overcrowded with people who want to buy pies on Thanksgiving Day.  Coco’s has the coconut cream pie, and it is very creamy and delicious.  It has coconut cream and whipping cream on the baked dish.  The cream decoration looks so gorgeous.  It is lightly covered with the cream, so the taste is not too heavy.
             Cakes, ice cream, and pies are all popular desserts for Americans.  Cake is very popular during celebrations. Ice cream is loved by everybody, from children to adults.  Pie makes people think about Thanksgiving Day.  There are many kinds of dessert shops and restaurants that sell delicious desserts, and various flavor desserts near and everywhere.  People can enjoy and relax with their dessert time happily.  

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich(Process Analysis)

                                                                                                             Joanna Pak 
                                                                                                            ESL 101
                                                                                               18 February 2015
                                                                                                    Prof. Tami Barker

             Nowadays everybody prefers the food which can be made easily and fast.  In the 1920s, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were made by the American military.  The military needed good and food which was easy to make; food during long stays in the country when practicing for war.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches became popular with young children in the 1950s.  Now, many people enjoy them, especially when they are busy or do not want to cook.  All a person needs one is bread, honey, peanut butter, and jelly.  The only tools needed are some napkins, plates, and knives.  If you follow three easy steps, you can enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
             First, open a peanut butter jar and spread the peanut butter with a knife on one side of each of the two slices of sandwich bread.  There are two types of peanut butter which are creamy and crunch.  I recommend the creamy peanut butter because if you use the crunch peanut butter on your sandwich bread, it might tear the bread.  Besides, the crunch peanut butter is not softer than the creamy peanut butter, so it may be hard to spread.  Peanut butter is a food paste made primarily from ground, dry, roasted peanuts and is popular in North America, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Australia and parts of Asia.  It is mainly used as a sandwich spread.  Peanut butter has a nutty peanut smell and soft texture, and it looks like soft clay.
Next, squeeze jelly from the plastic bottle on top of the peanut butter on one of the pieces of bread.  If you put too much jelly in the middle, it might spill out the sides of the sandwich and make a mess.   Originally, jelly has a different name which is jam.  Jelly is what Americans call jam.  The jelly is made of fruits and sugar or honey.  The most popular jelly is strawberry and grape jelly in the U.S.A.  Many varieties of jelly are made globally, for example, raspberry, orange, and apple.  They have different colors and smells, depending on what fruit is used.  When you touch the jelly, it is sticky and smooth.
             Lastly, put honey in the middle of one piece of bread.  Honey is made by bees, and bees extract the honey from the flowers.  Honey is one of the sweetest food.  It feels like sticky water, and the color is usually a transparent yellow or a transparent brown.  Honey has a long history in human consumption, and is used in various food and beverages as a sweetener and flavoring.  It has also been used in various medicinal traditions and as a cosmetic.
After putting peanut butter, jelly, and honey on one sandwich bread, cover it over with the other sandwich bread which has just peanut butter.  I remember when I came to the U.S.A. for the first time, I was walking on the street, and two young college students sang a song “Peanut Butter Jelly Time.”  It was so funny and asked someone how popular the peanut butter jelly sandwich in the U.S.A. is.  And I was told it was very popular.  Today, my family and I eat peanut butter jelly sandwiches very often.  The reasons are it does not take long time to make, it is easy to prepare and very cheap.  Maybe many Americans like to eat the Peanut butter and jelly sandwich because of these reasons.