<Persuasive Essay>
Joanna Pak (ESL 101)
May 2015
Tami Barker
World of Hallucination
Even though nine out of
ten aspects of something are good, one can have a problem. If this happens, it is not beneficial. Numerous data and study researches are
showing how beneficial marijuana is so far.
Nevertheless, many people still disagree about marijuana’s legalization.
In the U.S.A. ,
still only two states, which are Washington
and Colorado ,
have legalized marijuana for recreational use, and twenty states have legalized
it for medical use. After marijuana was
legalized in Colorado ,
120,000 people have become approved medical users. (www.mic.com) It is
not only Colorado ,
but in the world, the countries which have legalized marijuana have many
problems too, especially with teenagers and children. Since marijuana causes several problems,
government should stop its availability.
Marijuana should not be legalized because it could cause health
problems, illogical thinking, and expensive cost problems.
First of all, marijuana should not be legalized
because of the health problems it causes.
If marijuana becomes legal, everybody will be able to use it, especially
young people, including teenagers. If
people smoke marijuana from when they are teenagers or younger, it will take a
heavy toll on their brains. Smoking
marijuana damages the brain and causes memory loss, low impulse control and
learning problems. At first, the
symptoms do not appear all at once, but they gradually start to appear over
time. As a result, many people who
smoked marijuana cannot concentrate on studying, work, or anything. Besides, marijuana contains 50-70% more
cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke. (http://www.drugfreeworld.org)
Marijuana not only causes lung cancer, but other kinds of cancer too. Some people insist that marijuana helps
people to relieve many illness symptoms, but there is no hard evidence of that
Another one of the reasons that marijuana should
not be legalized is marijuana makes people think illogically. Marijuana causes hallucinations. Of course, alcohol causes hallucinations too,
but marijuana is carried or hidden easier than alcohol. Even if the government restrains marijuana
smokers to not carry marijuana to some places, it would be hard to control
them. If marijuana smokers smoke
everywhere and anytime, it could cause a car accident, disturb study or work,
or ruin relationships. Also memory
damage affects logical thinking too.
When THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is one of the ingredients of
marijuana, enters the body, it targets the memory part of the brain.
(www.foxnews.com) Because of this, marijuana smokers start losing their
memories gradually.
The last reason is marijuana
smokers have to spend a lot of money to buy marijuana and pay their medical
costs. Recently the cost of an eighth of
an ounce of marijuana is between $35-$70 after taxes, and the average price is
$65. The average amount of marijuana
used is one fourth to one eighth of an ounce a day. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)
Therefore, marijuana smokers spend a lot of money to enjoy only that time. Besides, marijuana smokers have to pay their
medical costs because smoking marijuana can cause lung cancer, brain
impairments, schizophrenia, and anxiety.
Particularly, if the marijuana smokers have Medicaid, the government has
to foot the Medicaid bill. Of course, they
pay tax for the marijuana, but their medical cost is more expensive than the
tax which they would pay.
As was stated above, marijuana
causes health problems, makes it difficult to think reasonably, and wastes a
lot of money. Many people say that marijuana
is not as dangerous as alcohol or cigarettes, but the obvious fact is marijuana
has bigger problems. Everybody has the
right to enjoy life, but instead of solving marijuana’s issues regarding its
safety and cost problems, the government should not allow use of marijuana.